More than 6534 children found new hope for shaping up tomorrow
As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we tried to expand our cordial cooperation to the downtrodden section of the society through Lion Mukhlesur Rahman Foundation. The way in which we are going on is not only bringing smile to an individual face but also overwhelming happiness and joy in the whole family. Lion Mukhlesur Rahman Foundation (LMRF), is a service oriented and people centered non-profit medical organization, duly registered under Social Welfare Act and NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh.
Following the inception on 2001, LMRF is focused on elimination of Clubfoot and Cleft lip deformity through providing direct treatment and surgery free of costs through the “Zero Clubfoot” and “CureCleft” projects respectively. Later on LMRF initiated another 3 projects to extend its services towards pediatric and general healthcare, targeting people of underserved community. Following is a brief description of the LMRF projects:

The ZCF project was established with the goal of improving clubfoot management in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh, where more than 900 babies are born with clubfoot every year. The vision of ZCF is to see zero walking clubfoot, i.e. no child born with clubfoot would walk on their deformed foot in Chittagong Division of Bangladesh. In 6 years of successful journey, ZCF corrected deformed feet of more than 3.200 clubfoot children in partnership with several local and international organizations, like Glencoe Foundation, Rotary Club International, Robi Axiata Ltd., Pedrollo NK Ltd. and others.

Zero Clubfoot
The ZCF project was established with the goal of improving clubfoot management in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh, where more than 900 babies are born with clubfoot every year. The vision of ZCF is to see zero walking clubfoot, i.e. no child born with clubfoot would walk on their deformed foot in Chittagong Division of Bangladesh. In 6 years of successful journey, ZCF corrected deformed feet of more than 3.200 clubfoot children in partnership with several local and international organizations, like Glencoe Foundation, Rotary Club International, Robi Axiata Ltd., Pedrollo NK Ltd. and others.

SHOPAN is an awareness and education initiative of LMRF, designed to improve access to and promote adherence for cleft lip and clubfoot care. The Shopan project has been implementing awareness and educational (A&E) activities in 8 districts of the Chittagong Division and touched following milestones in the past 3 years: more then 5.600 parents joined in focused group discussions on childhood disability, more than 500 schools came under birth defect awareness coverage and some 350 health workers were trained in birth defect screening.

LMRF Children’s Hospital
LMRF Children’s Hospital is a small scale Children’s hospital of 20 beds and is set at the Foundation Complex in Chittagong city. It is a social business venture, which provides paediatric as well as disability care service to low and middle income people of the city. On 2015, this hospital has been awarded “Smile Train Global Leadership Award” for its excellent services and contribution for its 549 cleft deformed patients treated last year

LMRF Healthcare
LMRF Healthcare is the latest project of LMRF, started in February 2015. This Out-Patient Medical Clinic is a service oriented, trust worthy and quality secondary healthcare center for middle and low income group of people living in Comilla District. This project has been implemented to create a self-sustaining and long lasting health system focusing health needs and benefits of community people. Currently the project provides for a specialist consultation unit, diagnostic lab, physiotherapy and pharmacy to provide a quality health care service for middle and low income group of people living in Comilla District.

Portable Health Clinic Project
This portable clinic is a health check-up box with necessary small and portable diagnostic tools with a tablet computer and a printer. This new health project is an innovation of Grameen Communication, which has been designed in a unique way that basic diagnostic facilities along with qualified physician’s consultancy will be readily accessible at an affordable price to the rural people, without actual physical presence of the physician at the said locations.